Child Care

Within the family department, we have a solicitors who specialise in Childcare Law.  This encompasses Care Proceedings, Adoption and Special Guardianship and situations where the Local Authority is involved regarding the care of children.

In some cases a parent may need advice about Local Authority concerns for a child; in other cases a foster carer or grandparent may need advice about becoming a child’s Special Guardian.  We can advise on these and many other issues.

We are able to offer free Legal Aid to parents and others with Parental Responsibility for a child to cover their representation in Care Proceedings and for advice leading up to such proceedings.

For Adoption and Special Guardianship, we can sometimes negotiate an agreement for the Local Authority to pay our fees to advise you.

We also have the expertise to advise and represent you in all disputes concerning children including Residence, Contact, Paternity, Relocation, Change of Name and Disagreements over all aspects of the upbringing of a child or children.